Writing fresh and exciting content for your social media posts every day can seem daunting.
When the sun is shining, or the kids need help with their school work, or you’re too busy actually working in your business, finding the inspiration to write about your business can be hard.
What if I told you that you don’t always have to write every post from scratch?
Can you find something you have already written?
A snippet from a blog? A useful piece of information from your emails? A paragraph from a lead magnet?
When I’m stuck for inspiration I sometimes go through the notes from my training workshops and pick out a snippet or two. My words. Helpful to my audience. Sitting there in a folder ready…
Remember that great social media post you wrote last year? The one that got loads of comments and interaction? Could you repost it now? Maybe tweek a word or two if the messaging needs a little updating. Change the image if you want to. But pretty much cut and paste it?
Worried you’ll be repeating yourself? Remember:
- Not everyone sees everything you post on social media.
- You will have made new connections since you last shared the information.
- Those who have been around for a while may not have been in the right place to take action 6 months ago, but what if they are now?
When your best laid plans go out of the window – DON’T PANIC.
What resources have you already written, that you could turn into social media posts?