It seems like there’s a hashtag holiday for everything these days. Every month I collate a selection of holidays for small businesses to use in their content marketing. But how can you use them in your social media strategy?

In this blog, I’ll share three ways to incorporate hashtag holidays into your social media content.

Create content

Pick a few hashtag holidays each month that are relevant to your industry AND your audience. Select those that will resonate with your ideal client or bring value to your audience.

Sometimes there will be hashtag holidays that jump out at you, #PizzaDay for an Italian restaurant for example. But you can use your imagination too.

I’m writing this blog in February. This month a car dealership could use:

  • #RadioDay to highlight the sound systems in their vehicles
  • #LoveYourPetDay to talk about features to consider when choosing a car that will be used to transport a dog
  • #PublicSleepingDay to ask their audience for funny stories about a time someone fell asleep in the car, or the most unusual place they have woken up in the car

Build new relationships

When there’s a holiday that you know your ideal client will be using, use the hashtag and engage with people using it. A perfect opportunity to be social on social media!

Search for posts using the hashtag, see if they look like your ideal client and if they do, like their posts, leave comments and if appropriate follow their account.

  • A pet business might engage with #GoldenRetrieverDay and #PuppyDay
  • A makeup business might choose to interact with potential clients using #LipsAppreciationDay
  • Create vegan beauty products? Interact with those enjoying #Veganuary and #PlantPowerDay

Show some personality

Use hashtag holidays and awareness months to share a little bit about you and to strike up a conversation with your audience.

People buy from people. Sharing some “behind the scenes” posts can make you memorable, help build relationships and make you stand out from your competitors. Talk about the thing you love outside of work. Share your hobbies, interests and life experiences. Use a hashtag holiday to talk about things that interest you.

The more “you” you are on your social media, the more you will attract clients who love you! And hashtag holidays and awareness events can give you the opportunity to share.

In summary, Hashtag holidays can be a great way to spark conversation and build relationships with your community.

Remember only use them if they are relevant to your audience and your business – otherwise, you’ll look spammy!

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