A core part of your marketing strategy will be how often you are going to post on social media.

How many times a day? How many days a week?

  • 4 times a day on all channels
  • Once a week on 4 channels
  • 4 times a day on 1 platform
  • 3 times a week on 1 platform

These are all valid strategies and the truth is, it depends…

In this post, I will share the three factors you should consider when deciding on your social media posting schedule.

Your business goals

What you are trying to achieve in your business now, and what role social media marketing plays in meeting those goals will inform how often you post. This is not set in stone.

For example

Business: local pizza restaurant with a loyal customer base.

Goal: retain clients and obtain repeat bookings

How often should they post?

3 times a week will be plenty. Showcasing dishes, sharing new menus, offers and user-generated content.


Business: Coach

Goal: Fill a 5-day challenge in advance of launching a new group coaching programme

How often should they post?

As often as they can in the weeks leading up to their challenge. It’s not uncommon for businesses in this area to post 4 times a day for an intensive period of recruitment, followed by a relaxation of posting to once a day.


The amount of times you post on social media should be guided by what you need to achieve in your business right now.

Quality over quantity

Your business social media posts should educate, entertain, or engage your audience.

When deciding how often you will post on social, assess how much material you have, or have time to produce, that can meet those criteria?


If you have been in business for a long time, you may have a wealth of content to draw upon.

Articles, blogs, testimonials, and useful advice you can share. Likewise, if you have a shop, either online or bricks and mortar, then your products will give you plenty to talk about.


If you are just starting out, particularly in a service-based business, content creation will take a considerable amount of your time.

How much time can you afford to spend creating quality content?

What is sustainable for you and your business?

It’s not uncommon for business owners to go hard and fast with their social media marketing, get busy, disappear, and come back in desperation when their leads have dried up.

Social media marketing becomes something of a yo-yo diet. The key to success on social media is consistency.


Showing up regularly and offering your audience value and solutions to their problems, as well as demonstrating your expertise.

Building relationships and trust so that you are front of mind when they are ready to purchase.


A consistent presence will give you better long-term results, feeding your sales funnel with new leads.

What frequency can you manage, consistently and sustainably?

How often should you post on social media?

Before you decide remember:

Your social media strategy should be informed by your business goals.

Consistency is key.

Quality over quantity. Always.

If you would like help developing a social media strategy tailored for your business, let’s talk – info@peppersocial.co.uk

Pepper Social